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README File Please study also: faq_english.html before installation !
Thank you for downloading our application:
"MyNet - Anywhere!" (includes also a copy of "MyNet - on a Floppy!" )
for evaluation.
In case you wonder why there is not one of the usual "installers" present - let's deal with this matter first:
see also our FAQ: faq_english.html
( 1 )
Transparency to the user ...
Our applications are small tools with the end user in mind. Most people are using our applications on a single desktop machine or on a notebook.
Our applications don't change the "registry" or any other system files on your PC.
They are simple to use but make frequent use of the "File Management Tool" which comes with the operating system (or you might have installed a third party tool). The File Management Tool is your window to the system and shows where all your programs and data reside.
( 2 )
We suggest a certain structure where to put your programs and data - but you are totally free to change these locations and allocations (see the file: "folder.bat" which creates such a basic structure).
( 3 )
When surfing the Internet you want to keep one or the other URL and put them into your bookmark file / favorites - but that's it. After a while it gets very crowded and you have to organize them - this however structures only the URLs and NOT the data and information contained in these web sites.
You can download a whole page but then you store somewhere also all the details in a sub-folder (they are more or less the graphical elements which were needed by the web page designer to offer you such a nice interface). There is NO logical connection visible to the user if you have stored somewhere your downloaded pages and within your browser your bookmarked URLs.
Then there are tools available which show you the whole structure of a web site with all the pages, files, links etc. but this is of no big help either if you want to see in context the information YOU NEED.
Dealing with your true requirements and what you need to retrieve from a web site (specific data, images, documents etc.) needed a different approach.
( 4 )
You can of course use "MyNet - Anywhere!" as a simple bookmark file, you can also save entire web pages and their contents (with "MyNet - Anywhere !" you have them at least in a "logical" context).
However what we all really want is not covered by this approach: the targeted access to the details, to specific parts of a web site - the things you need to work with, have easy access to and process them immediately.
( 5 )
The further processing of the "objects" you have gathered in a structured manner is another matter. With hundreds of file formats available it is impossible to integrate the possibility to view and process them from within one application. So we have designed a framework that makes it possible to call all these useful tools (image viewers are good example) from within our applications. This allows you to process the "objects" at the moment when you retrieve and store them with "MyNet - Anywhere!" in a "logical" context.
The File Management Tools allow for a "logical" representation of the "physical" structure of your storage medium - they are however NOT designed to give you the logical view of your data and information in the context you require.
We invite you to have a look at our sample data how we have solved this in a way that everyone can follow things up.
( 6 )
The application(s) are small, there are no changes to registry, system files etc. - however free hard disk space (around 200 MB) should be available when running the application to allow for fast performance. 16 MB memory is sufficient according to our experience, 32 MB or 64 MB increases of course the processing speed. A 486 processor is fine too - but a Pentium or Pentium II increases also the performance.
Having said all this - let's go to work:
Unzip the file:
into a temporary folder of your choice >>> c:\temp or: c:\temp_tbsc for example
and use the folder names (this is important -
but only for the evaluation copy):
Make a 'tick' where it says: "use folder info"
or similar.
The files:
are included in: mynet.zip
folder_path.zip contains:
(by double-clicking on it to create a basic folder structure starting with c:\tbsc)
Keep "path.txt" for inclusion in the path statement
of an autoexec.bat file.
Unzip: tbsc_dll.zip into c:\tbsc
Unzip: emptyfiles_all.zip into c:\tbsc
From your temporary folder ( c:\temp ) copy ALL files - apart from:
to c:\tbsc.
[ Copying them too doesn't do any harm, you may
also leave them in the temporary folder. ]
Create a short cut for the file: mynet.exe for the desktop.
Start: mynet.exe
friendly version of this page !
Please view / print out the files:
to find your way around and visit our web site at:
to get some of the recommended FREEWARE tools - they all complement our application (but certainly there are others on the Internet or in your specific language).
Please don't forget to rename the executables into:
for the SEARCH utility (searchit.zip)
for the CATALOGUE utility (cathy.zip)
for the IRFAN Viewer (Iview325.zip)
for the PRINT FILE Utility (Prntfl.zip)
for the DISK SPLITTING Utility (splitter.exe)
via Copy, Pasting them back into the same folder and rename the files copied back to: search01.exe etc. to make the loading of the programs from within our applications possible.
All these applications are called from the TOOLS menu in our applications.
Please use also the provided file: path.txt
to change the path statement in your autoexec.bat file accordingly.
See also the FAQ: faq_english.html
In case you want to use other or similar tools
for use with our application you can take the same
We will soon have a special page on our website called:
background.html ( at the moment available in the GERMAN language: background_german.html
which will deal more in depth with the different levels and views of your data (physical, logical), the storage of files in a physical manner only once (but having them in many logical views of your data), the difference between Categories and Keyterms etc.
Also answering questions: What will happen if I delete physical a file but it is still needed in different logical views of my data ? How can this be avoided in a practical manner ?
Then there are some tools which are more related to secure the functioning of your system:
(called from: File / File Repair Utility)
[download and install under c:\tbsc]
The Topscan Utility ts.zip
(download and install under c:\tbsc)
[called from: File / Database Scanner]
Please download them too and study the help pages. Especially the TOPSCAN Utility is very useful.
Because this is an evaluation copy the number of records are limited - however after studying the sample data you can just unzip the encl. file: empty_files_mynet.zip and extract them to: c:\tbsc overwriting the existing files, then try it for yourself with some of your own data gathered from the Internet.
The systematic approach to store only the relevant things might take a while to get used to - on the other hand: if you have a bigger project with data and information from several web sites you will enjoy the benefit to see things in context. And let's not forget: there is also an easy to handle report writer built in, so you can present your project data in an even more structured manner.
Depending on your circumstances it might be sufficient just to e-mail to others the .tps files (together with your collected data and information) in the form of "MyNet - on a Floppy!" which is freely distributable and offers all the features of "MyNet - Anywhere!" (apart from the fact that you CANNOT add new URLs). But this is often sufficient to let others work with your data, process it and to retrieve the information the decision maker needs.
This is a good solution if no real-time update is required by the remote recipient, if there is no network in place etc.
A teacher can give "MyNet - on a Floppy !" to
all his students and provide them whenever required with the collected
resources from the Internet for further studying at home - just one possibility.
Another good idea is to put "MyNet - on a Floppy!" onto a website or different
versions of it (several backup jobs).
On our web site you will find a tool called "cleanall.bat" which not only deletes all files, but also all downloaded material. This is useful for teachers for example who want to clean up everything for a new session. However it would be a disaster in the wrong hands, so we make it only available to licensed / registered users together with an individual password protection.
The application is very reasonably priced - see our web site for order information:
Don't forget to e-mail us the form: license.txt to the following e-mail address:
when ordering a copy of "MyNet - Anwhere!" - or copy the text in the appendix at the end of this README file into an e-mail message and fill in the gaps.
Thank you.
We hope you will enjoy the evaluation - if there is anything what we can do to make the application better; please let us know. As the saying goes: There is always room for improvement.
Have a nice day wherever in the world you are.
Your team from
TBSC - The Blue Software Company
Please e-mail the following "Software License Agreement" to us at the time of ordering - just fill in the gaps using a simple text editor like NOTEPAD and send it to:
" X " in front (= required entry)
X Product(s) ordered :
(product number)
X First Name
X Surname
X Company
(if applicable)
Street Address :
X or:
Postal Address :
X City
Zip/Post Code
X Country :
X E-Mail
X PC Serial No. :
If you require/order more than one license (in
a networked environment for example) -
please list the serial numbers for the other
PCs below:
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
(you can continue the list via copy/paste)
ONE (1) License is required per individual user / machine (business and private).
The software is designed to make two (2) backup copies from the original file provided. The backup copies should be kept in a safe place.
In addition a business / private user can install
the software on a portable computer (notebook)
for backup purposes or when on the road as long
as the device belongs to him / or to the business.
X Serial No. of the portable device:
(if applicable)
Depending on the number of PCs in a networked environment (where the software only resides on a server and can be accessed from several workstations) the following applies:
For each connected PC a separate licence is required
(NOT the number of actual users at any given time is relevant). Please
contact us with the details of your situation and we will make you a fair
and reasonable individual offer.
If you need more than one license for installation on individual PCs - please contact us with the details and we will make you a fair and reasonable individual offer.
E-mail us at: tbsc@usa.com
In a situation where it is not required that the user of the application has to add new records to the files we recommend to use the FREE Viewer applications available for processing. Please download them from our web site.
They can be installed on any machine FREE of charge !
I/We AGREE to the following :
... NOT to copy the files (except for two backup
copies and for personal use on one portable
... NOT to rent, lease, lend, sub/license or otherwise
transfer the software or the rights by
TBSC under this license to
any third party (please contact us for license transfer)
... NOT to remove or to obscure the TBSC copyright and trademark notices
... NOT to alter, decompile, or reverse-assemble the software
... to make reasonable efforts to protect the
software from unauthorized use, reproduction,
distribution or publication
X Date :
X First Name / Surname or Company :
X Name/Position in Company :
(please add if possible your electronic signature
Thank you for filling in this agreement and sending it to us via e-mail. After receipt we will send out your personalized copy of the application(s) you ordered. Depending on the different time zones it might take up to 36 hours until you receive it/them.
Last but not least:
Of course we are offering support via e-mail to our registered users - based on this we will build up a FAQ (frequently asked questions) over time.
It is available at:
Please study the FAQ before you install the application - thank you !
Registered users can always get in touch with us at: tbsc@usa.com
[ if the e-mail address changes we will mention this on our web site ]
Registered users can usually expect a response within 24 to 48 hours (it also depends on the time zone) - mostly within a shorter timeframe.
We are also trying to answer questions of everyone who is interested in our software and might consider the purchase of a license.
Improvements / updates to our software will be provided to our registered users via e-mail attachment (you just have to copy the new executable file).
We offer this FREE Update because we want you to be satisfied and recommend us. We also want to get your interest for our other products.
Thanks again and have a nice day !
Your input and tips will help us to improve our applications for the benefit of all our users - so we welcome your feedback - but also constructive critic. Please contact us via e-mail.
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