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Product: "MyNet - Anywhere!"
Product: "MyAddress
and Contact Data!"
Product: "Mailing
List PLUS"
Bundle Prices (combinations
of several products at very special prices)
I: "MyNet - Anywhere!" + "MyAddress & Contact Data"
II: "MyAddress & Contact Data!" + "Mailing List PLUS"
III: "MyNet - Anywhere!" + "MyAddress & Contact Data" + "Mailing
List Plus"
License Agreement
(also incl. with every download as: license.txt)
[ IMPORTANT - please send it to us at
the time of ordering ]
[ More products
will be added over the coming months. ]
Our applications are "building blocks" for our target group: small businesses, educational institutions, individual computer users - helping them to develop their own individual frameworks to gather, enter, process and distribute their data and information. According to our experience these important activities have often been neglected for too long - esp. in the small business - because of the ever increasing complexities in the PC environment.
Our applications are practical helpers reflecting the realities in the office of the small business - but they are not a suite of unrelated applications (most small businesses are only using the word processor from an office suite anyway).
We have chosen a different way: our applications are working together with other applications on the market - mostly FREEWARE - by utilizing for example "data export" facilities, ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) to allow for the development of practical and transparent "data processing" and "information retrieval" tasks/ processes by our target group.
The transfer of data collected with our applications into a spreadsheet or into a word processor for further processing (mail merge, querying, label printing, development of a specialized spreadsheet utilizing existing data) has been made fairly easy for our customers because we have provided a lot of information on our web site, also sources to learn the basics. All your office tasks are based on internal and external data and information - we have a lot of tools on our web site to make the best use of it.
It is a fact - and we see it in many countries - that the underlying basics how to perform practical "data processing" in the small business are not understood. One of the reasons is of course that they have not been taught as part of the school / vocational training in the past- the other major point is that too much emphasis has been given to the PC environment (hardware, software - esp. the development of the graphical user interface over the last decade). All this has put enormous pressure on every user - not to mention the management to keep pace. Training offered world wide is mostly "application" centric - the connection between software applications and the tasks to be performed everyday in an office is often not visible.
We will build up a FAQ over time to answer the most frequently asked questions online. Registered users will receive a priority e-mail address which is checked very frequently (because of different time zones there might be a delay of up to 12 hours until we respond).
PLEASE take your time to evaluate our applications - they are simple and transparent to the end user, don't require a lot of computer know-how and jargon. However - to implement true "data processing" in a small business is not a task you can solve by just installing a package and run it; there is also some time required to learn about all these tools and how your data and information can be processed with them (esp. via exporting, querying, ODBC, SQL etc.).
With the evaluation copies you can build up your framework - nothing
is lost when you make the transition and order your application. There
is only one small task involved: replace the executable file(s) from the
evaluation copy with the file we e-mail to you .... takes a
minute and you are done !
Product: "MyNet - Anywhere!"
(incl. "MyNet - on a Floppy!)
[ When gathering data and information from the Internet with "MyNet
- Anywhere!" there is usually also a lot of address and contact information
available. You may want to store this information more in detail.
"MyAddress & Contact Data!" is in such cases the ideal companion and
can be called on demand from within "MyNet - Anywhere!" (Tab: Password
/ e-mail when you add / update a web site / home page). Try it with the
evaluation copies ! ]
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 39.90
Click the button below to order your own copy of "MyNet - Anywhere!"
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 46696
to the operator.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyNet - Anywhere"
It is identical to "MyNet - Anywhere!", offers ALL the features including
the internal "Report Writer"
- apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further web sites.
This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if the
data and information
needs only to be further processed by others. More info on our web
site and in the documents
contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
Product: "MyAddress &
Contact Data!"
When gathering data and information from the Internet with "MyNet -
Anywhere!" there is usually also a lot of address and contact information
available. You may want to store this information more in detail.
"MyAddress & Contact Data!" is in such cases the ideal companion and
can be called on demand from within "MyNet - Anywhere!" (Tab: Password
/ e-mail when you add / update a web site / home page). Try it with the
evaluation copies !
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 39.90
Click the button below to order your copy of "MyAddress &
Contact Data!" :
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 46722
to the operator.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" addrview.zip
It is identical to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" - incl. the internal
"Report Writer" apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further addresses.
This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if
the data and information needs only to be further processed by others (all
other features are available). More info on our web site and in the documents
contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
Product: "Mailing List
Can be run "stand-alone" or as part of "MyAddress & Contact
Data!". With the evaluation copies you can see for yourself what the possibilities
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 19.90
Click the button below to order "Mailing List PLUS" :
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 46723
to the operator.
Bundle Prices for our applications:
Bundle I:
"MyNet - Anywhere!" + "MyAddress & Contact Data"
Bundle II:
"MyAddress & Contact Data!" + "Mailing List PLUS"
Bundle III:
"MyNet - Anywhere!" + "MyAddress & Contact Data" + "Mailing List Plus"
Bundle I: "MyNet - Anywhere!"
+ "MyAddress & Contact Data!"
A saving of US $ 15.-- compared
to the single purchase(s) !
When gathering data and information from the Internet with "MyNet -
Anywhere!" there is usually also a lot of address and contact information
available. You may want to store this information more in detail.
"MyAddress & Contact Data!" is in such cases the ideal companion and
can be called on demand from within "MyNet - Anywhere!" (Tab: Password
/ e-mail when you add / update a web site / home page). Try it with the
evaluation copies !
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 64.80
Click the button below to order your copy of "MyAddress &
Contact Data!" :
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 47315
to the operator.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" addrview.zip
It is identical to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" - incl. the internal "Report Writer" apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further addresses. This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if the data and information needs only to be further processed by others (all other features are available). More info on our web site and in the documents contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyNet - Anywhere"
It is identical to "MyNet - Anywhere!", offers ALL the features including
the internal "Report Writer"
- apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further web sites.
This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if the
data and information
needs only to be further processed by others. More info on our web
site and in the documents
contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
Bundle II: "MyAddress & Contact
Data!" + "Mailing List PLUS"
A saving of US $ 10.-- compared
to the single purchase(s) !
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 49.80
Click the button below to order your copy of "MyAddress &
Contact Data!" :
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 47314
to the operator.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" addrview.zip
It is identical to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" - incl. the internal
"Report Writer" apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further addresses.
This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if
the data and information needs only to be further processed by others (all
other features are available). More info on our web site and in the documents
contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
A saving of US $ 25.-- compared to the single purchase(s) !
"MyNet - Anywhere!" + "MyAddress & Contact Data!" + "Mailing List PLUS"
When gathering data and information from the Internet with "MyNet -
Anywhere!" there is usually also a lot of address and contact information
available. You may want to store this information more in detail.
"MyAddress & Contact Data!" is in such cases the ideal companion and
can be called on demand from within "MyNet - Anywhere!" (Tab: Password
/ e-mail when you add / update a web site / home page). Try it with the
evaluation copies !
Introduction Price (for a limited time only): US $ 74.70
Click the button below to order your copy of "MyAddress &
Contact Data!" :
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
Phone Orders:
Toll-Free Phone Number (US only) : 1-877-734-7638
( Orders only ! )
International Customers:
+1 - 770 - 319-2718
Atlanta, Georgia residents
If you are ordering by phone
please quote the Product ID: 47316
to the operator.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" addrview.zip
It is identical to "MyAddress & Contact Data!" - incl. the internal "Report Writer" apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further addresses. This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if the data and information needs only to be further processed by others (all other features are available). More info on our web site and in the documents contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
Please don't forget to download the FREE viewer to "MyNet - Anywhere"
It is identical to "MyNet - Anywhere!", offers ALL the features including
the internal "Report Writer"
- apart from one thing: you CANNOT ADD further web sites.
This might be however a very practical and cost saving solution if the
data and information
needs only to be further processed by others. More info on our web
site and in the documents
contained in the .zip file of the evaluation copy.
We also offer over the Internet valuable services and individual support - mainly via e-mail.
There are several Service Levels available - the charges are reasonable but depend on the level of difficulty of the work involved. Before ordering or paying for any services we have to come to a clear agreement what has to be done, what the time frame is etc.
Please contact us at: bluesoftware@altavista.it
Service Level I : US $ 18.-- per hour
Support tasks which go beyond the FREE support offered via e-mail to our registered customers would fall into this category.
We are happy to help our registered customers
with questions they may have from time to time. However they may have a
range of questions which require a comprehensive time consuming response
from us going beyond the ususal online support. In such cases we would
contact the customer, and ask him if he is willing to pay for these additional
Click the button below to pay for services at
"Service Level I" ONLY !
If you are having difficulties to access the secure server, please visit:
The payment for the following Service
levels is negotiated individually:
One - or a combination of - the following charges apply also to our NEW services offerd :
see our special page: Internet Search Services
[ depending on the complexity of the project ]
Service Level II : US $ 24.-- per hour
Customizing our applications to suit a customers
specific requirements would fall into this category, also extensive
and practical help during the introduction of our applications into a business.
Service Level III : US $ 30.-- per hour
All tasks which require the comprehensive use
of resources, further research etc. on our part and which go "beyond the
usual" would fall into this category (depends also on the individual circumstances).
If not already done ...
please e-mail the following "Software License Agreement" to us at the time of ordering - just copy the following into the body of an e-mail message (or use a simple text editor like NOTEPAD to attach it), fill in the gaps and send it to:
" X " in front (= required entry)
Begin of Software License Agreement
X Product(s) ordered :
(product number)
X First Name
X Surname
X Company
(if applicable)
Street Address :
X or:
Postal Address :
X City
Zip/Post Code :
X Country :
X E-Mail
X PC Serial No. :
If you require/order more than one license (in a networked environment
for example) -
please list the serial numbers for the other PCs below:
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
X PC Serial No. :
(you can continue the list via copy/paste)
ONE (1) License is required per individual user / machine (business and private).
The software is designed to make two (2) backup copies from the original file provided. The backup copies should be kept in a safe place.
In addition a business / private user can install the software on a
portable computer (notebook)
for backup purposes or when on the road as long as the device belongs
to him / or to the business.
X Serial No. of the portable device:
(if applicable)
Depending on the number of PCs in a networked environment (where the software only resides on a server and can be accessed from several workstations) the following applies:
For each connected PC a separate licence is required (NOT the number of actual users at any given time is relevant). Please contact us with the details of your situation and we will make you a fair and reasonable individual offer.
E-mail us at: bluesoftware@altavista.it
This type of reduced license fee doesn't allow for additional installation
on any individual PCs connected in a network situation nor does it allow
for additional installation on other devices (like notebooks etc.)
If you need more than one license for installation on individual PCs - please contact us with the details and we will make you a fair and reasonable individual offer.
Please e-mail us at: bluesoftware@altavista.it
In a situation where it is not required that the user of the application has to add new records to the files we recommend to use the FREE Viewer applications available for processing of your data. Please download them from our web site.
They can be installed on any machine FREE of charge !
I / We AGREE to the following
... NOT to copy the program files
(except for two backup copies and for personal use on one portable
... NOT to rent, lease, lend,
sub/license or otherwise transfer the software or the rights by
TBSC under
this license to any third party (please contact us for license transfer)
... NOT to remove or to obscure the TBSC copyright and trademark notices
... NOT to alter, decompile, or reverse-assemble the software
... to make reasonable efforts
to protect the software from unauthorized use, reproduction,
or publication
X Date :
X First Name / Surname or Company :
X Name/Position in Company :
(please add if possible your electronic signature file)
Thank you for filling in this agreement and sending it to us via e-mail.
After receipt we will send out your individualised copy of the application(s)
you ordered. Depending on the different time zones it might take up to
36 hours until you receive it/them.
Thanks again - your Team at
TBSC - The Blue Software Company
Last but not least:
Of course we are offering support via e-mail to our registered users - based on this we will build up a FAQ (frequently asked questions) over time.
Registered users can always get in touch with us at: bluesoftware@altavista.it
[ if the e-mail address changes we will mention this on our web site ]
Registered users can usually expect a response within 24 to 48 hours (it also depends on the time zone) - mostly within a shorter timeframe.
We are also trying to answer questions of everyone who is interested in our software and might consider the purchase of a license. Depending on the number of enquiries we might not be able to cope with all of them (therefore we intend to build up the FAQ). If we cannot answer all e-mails we will announce this on the home page of our web site and also state why it is not possible - we ask you for your understanding. Otherwise you can expect an answer with a reasonable time frame.
Improvements / updates to our software will be provided to our registered users via e-mail attachment (you just have to copy the new executable file).
We offer this FREE Update because we want you to be satisfied and recommend us. We also want to get your interest for our other products.
Thanks again and have a nice day !
End of item ( Software License Agreement )
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