TBSC The Blue Software Company

North America                
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Welcome to our visitors from the United States and Canada  ...

We are about to form a "strategic partnership" to serve you locally in the United States of America and in Canada.

There is nothing better than to have a local contact or someone to talk to in your country when you have questions related to our products or need some help.

We plan to serve you from:  Memphis, Tennessee

A "strategic partnership" means for us:

The people looking after you are true "partners" - not only do we know them in person for years and have built up a bond of mutual trust; they also have full responsibility for the North American market and share our success. "Strategic" means that they define the direction we are heading to in this part of the world.

Until the setup is done please direct your product inquiries to:


"MyNet - Anywhere !"  -   "MyAddress & Contact Data !"

...  and more  ...

 Providing our customers with useful products and offering an excellent service is one part of our activities - working together with organizations world wide to overcome the so-called "digital divide" is also part of our daily life.

We are offering practical software solutions and consulting services for the small / medium sized business, schools / training institutions and the individual computer user.

NEW !    Download a comprehensive set of descriptions about out products in Word '97 format (tbsc_infopack.zip)

Some shortcuts to important areas of our web site:

Products & Services Order Information Price List Download Products Freeware


The typical visitors to our web site are often experienced, mature people from all ways of life. There is a new web site for them at the following URL:

We not only recommend a visit but also to become a member - from a certain age on and/or with a certain life experience you see the world with other eyes, can distinguish what is hype and what is not, what makes sense and what does not  ...


or click on their logo. It is also a great opportunity to find likeminded people and to discuss matters that are relevant for those over 50 - this was the reason we have joined them.


We are supporting them by helping to find sponsors for PCs and related hardware / software for conservation and environmental groups in Africa; also for the setup of a training centre in East Africa. Our longterm know-how and experience in the field of practical computing and electronic data processing will also benefit them by providing support and advice over the Internet in the future - esp. for members of their foundation working on location.


We are using the following resources and recommend to visit these web sites for further information  ...

If you have needs going beyond our practical tools we recommend to visit the web site of:


KDnuggets is the leading source for Data Mining, Web Mining & Knowledge Discovery on the Internet.
They offer a comprehensive range of software, solutions, jobs, courses, publications,
a company list and web sites related to these subjects.

[ to be continued ]


Below are some of the worlds most important web sites you will ever visit. These resources may change "your picture" of the world ...

Just click on the graphics / logos to access these sites:

                            TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


       The Worldwatch Institute

       UN - The United Nations

     Amnesty International


Further web sites of world wide importance will be added over time.