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Practical software, services and solutions for the small business
and the individual computer user - world wide !

Freeware, Shareware and public domain

see also:   http://smbtools.tripod.com/tbsctools.html

FREEWARE is an excellent opportunity to enhance your computers functionality with tools and applications normally not included with your operating system. SHAREWARE gives you the opportunity to try software before you buy it. Shareware requires you to register with the author(s) for a mostly reasonable fee to compensate them for their efforts.

Nowadays we will often find a mix of  FREEWARE and SHAREWARE - the excellent Office Suite from:

  www.software602.com - 602Pro - PC SUITE 2000

is a good example for this approach. The main modules: 602 Text (word processor), 602 Tab (spreadsheet) and 602 Photo (photo editor) cover everything what the normal business user can expect from an office suite (and it is totally free of charge). Some add-ons can be bought for a reasonable price (and you can try them out for a period of 14 days before you commit yourself to a product). This is not only a great deal - this is a fair deal !

Below we list links - mainly to FREEWARE which we have downloaded over time ...
( and most of it we use ourselves) :

We list only links to products which are not crippled and don't put the user under any pressure to pay royalties.

Important:  If one of the links doesn't work - PLEASE let us know by  E-MAIL!   Thank you.

Accounting / Cash Books / Cost Accounting

    CALCOM - Cash Flow Software ( http://www.calcom.de )

     Mortgage Calculator (freeware) -  http://www.netiv.com/vinnie/vinnie.exe
     Personal Finance 2000 (freeware) - http://www.iic.cc/pf2000.zip
     Billing Time 2000 (freeware) - http://www.gratisware.com
     WINGS 2000 Lite - Accounting Package (freeware) - http://www.wings2000.com
     3S Windows Accounting (freeware) - http://www.clarisys.ca
     Banana Cash / Cheque Book application (freeware) - http://www.banana/ch/base/eng/welcome.html

     POS - Point of Sale

     We recommend POSITIVE for Windows which is also available in a FREEWARE version ! They even send you a
     CD-ROM with everything on it. Excellent - and if your needs increase or if you want a web store - this is the
     way to go.

     We are working together with many small retailers in our target group, see what they are using at the moment -
     and most important: what use they make of their existing software. POSITIVE for Windows beats ALL other
     POS Software available for our target group - even in the FREE version !

      To know more go to : www.gopositive.com

      If you are setting up a new business, have existing systems in place - even if you are very happy with what you
      have: do yourself a favour and check this one out ! You probably discover a whole new world.

Backup Utilities

     TaskZip ( ~ 1.9 MB )

Books and booklets

     KNOWWARE, Denmark - offers FREE computer booklets (in English and other languages)

Business Planning

 Business Planning Tools from PLANWARE (incl. lots of FREEWARE) from:  www.planware.org
 (download eguide.zip - very recommended)

 B-Plan - the mother of all Business Planning Tools ( www.b-plan.com )    (great shareware version available)

 Business Strategy Development (from Dialog Software) - there is a freeware version available ( www.dialogsoftware.com )


    Financial Tools at www.download.com

Data Base Applications

       [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

Desktop Publishing

       [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

Dial-Up Networking

         www.helmig.com        The best resource regarding Windows networking !

       [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

Disk Utilities

       [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

File Utilities

     File Manager:

     Salamander from www.altap.cz
     [ salam152 is FREEWARE - we are using it too ]


     SIMTEL - Shareware, Freeware, Public Domain     (our favourite)

    www.download.com     (very large shareware site - contains also a lot of "freeware")

Graphics tools

      IRFAN Image Viewer ( www.irfanview.com )

Internet related Freeware

     [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

Label Printing

    NOT FREEWARE - but a professional package from New Zealand (Demos available):

Not only if you are living in New Zealand / Australia we recommend to have a serious look at the following “KIWI” made product range from HEXCOM :

TICKET 2000  Professional Bar-coding and Labelling Software for Microsoft Windows
from :  HEXCOM Software Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand

[We mention them with more details because they are a New Zealand company. We are however not affiliated in any way with HEXCOM Software Limited.]


   Shareware:AVERY Labels (www.avery.com)
    Download also the file:  av-prod.hlp  from their web site - very useful.

     LAZLAB at:  www.softseek.com        or: The Softcentre web site ( http://www.softcentre.com )

    (Freeware - you will find it under category: 'Business and Productivity' and then under: 'Labels and Business Cards' listed
      as:  LazaLabl(32bit) v. 2.7.  top.

    or from the :     Softcentre web site

    By downloading the FREE office suite from  Software602   you can also create labels from within the word processor
    application. A good idea is to set up ODBC for our applications - or export the file(s) to .csv format - then apply
    if required queries from with the Software602 spreadsheet application and use the resulting records to create labels.

    Other Labelling Software (Shareware and Evaluation Copies) :

     BARTENDER (Shareware) - www.seagullscientific.com
     NICE Label Suite from EuroPlus (Shareware) - www.nicelabel.com


    www.helmig.com        The best resource regarding Windows networking !

Office Suites

   We have downloaded both suites and would suggest to our visitors to give them both a go. Please have a look at both
    websites and study the specifications before you download them. 602Pro - PC SUITE 2000 is only ~ 14 MB to
    download and runs well even on older machines.

     602Pro - PC SUITE 2000      From what we have seen so far it is our favourite. What else do you really need ?

     No longer free - but worth to have a look:

     Star Office from SUN             Fast machine required for good performance; huge download ~ 60 MB

PDF - portable document format

Most of us probably know the freely available ACROBAT Reader from www.adobe.com .

ADOBE has a huge range of sophisticated applications including the application to create files in .pdf format. For many businesses it has become a must to create documents in .pdf format to distribute them internally, over the web or to their customers. We really recommend to have a look at their web site. There are even trial versions for most of their applications.

However - esp. for our target group - there is a big hurdle to overcome; it is the price for these applications. There is nothing wrong with setting such high prices - the packages are worth each cent - but it puts them out of reach for most users.

The ADOBE Acrobat package is listed at around US $ 250.-- at their web site. In this part of the world you have to fork out around US $ 375.--  to get it (if you find it). Are there alternatives ? Yes - there are.

You may wish to visit the following web sites:

 win2pdf from:  www.daneprairie.com (free for non-commercial use - you need Windows 2000)

and download some demos.

That's all nice and fine - but YOU want to make this trip to Fiji, buy a new VCR or go this Saturday on a shopping spree with wife and kids instead of buying one of these packages.

Your wishes are granted. Just do the following :

(1) Go to  http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost and download Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01 (or later version)  for Windows 95 etc.

     You will find the file    gw601w32.exe    under 'Obtaining Ghostscript ...   or download a .zip file
     Also download GSView   gsv34w32.exe !

     Install both of them.

(2) Install a NEW printer on your computer (just the driver - not physically of course)

     Go to Settings, Printers, click on 'Add  new printer'
     Select the APPLE LASER Writer II NT
     select 'Print to File'

(3) Open the document you want to make a .pdf file for
      Issue the PRINT command from the FILE menu (select the APPLE printer) and save the file as a .prn file
      Start the Ghostviewer and OPEN the .prn file
      Select CONVERT from the FILE menu (Device = pdfwrite, resolution = 600), click OK
      Output filename: Select a file name with the .pdf  extension

      DONE - that's all !      It is totally FREE (and legal of course).

      Now you may go on your trip to Fiji (or alternativly: your wife and the kids will love you for going shopping with them
      this weekend ....).

POS - Point of Sale

     We recommend POSITIVE for Windows which is also available in a FREEWARE version ! They even send you a
     CD-ROM with everything on it. Excellent - and if your needs increase or if you want a web store - this is the
     way to go.

     We are working together with many small retailers in our target group, see what they are using at the moment -
     and most important: what use they make of their existing software. POSITIVE for Windows beats ALL other
     POS Software available for our target group - even in the FREE version !

      To know more go to : www.gopositive.com

      If you are setting up a new business, have existing systems in place - even if you are very happy with what you
      have: do yourself a favour and check this one out ! You will probably discover a whole new world.

Printing Utilities

    Download "Print File"  -  www.zdnet.co.uk/software/utilities

Project Management

    [ to be continued - list is under construction ]

Query Tools

     WinSQL32 from www.indus-soft.com
     The most versatile Query Tool we have seen - works perfect with the files from our applications. Download
     also the documentation from their site !

     From G. Poulouse:    QTODBC.zip  (on our web site - shareware)

    Query Tool from Chisel Software Australia   This product is SHAREWARE - you are expected to register;
     (www.chiselsoftware.com)                            but it is worthwhile from the price / performance ratio !

     The query functions in MS-EXCEL or in the spreadsheet application of the Software602 office suite are also

Report Writers

      Seagate Analysis / Seagate Info ( from SEAGATE Software ) - www.seagate.com

       Excellent FREE tools - require a good performance machine with 32 MB, better 64 MB RAM.
       At the time of creating this page a CD ROM could be ordered FREE from Seagate.

      Also from the SEAGATE Company:

      Some years ago we have received on a promotional CD ROM from PC PRO Magazine a FREE copy of
      CRYSTAL Reports (older version 4.5) - it still covers all the information retrieval needs incl. the processing
      of ODBC databases; if you are interested in the CD which is clearly marked as FREEWARE please contact us
      (registered users only).

TBSC  -   The Blue Software Company
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Practical software, services and solutions for the small business
and the individual computer user - world wide !